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Belanty® 34.9 SC is a type of fungicide that contains the active ingredient mefentrifluconazole from the 'triazole' group, which acts as a blocker of 'dimethylation biosynthesis' sterol (DMI) and disrupts fungal cell membrane synthesis.
Cabrio® Duo provides dual protection - effective in preventing the invasion and spread of diseases. Cabrio® Duo protects crop with fruit uniformity and less fruit drop hence produce better marketable yield.
Seltima® CS is a type of fungicide that contains active ingredients from the 'methoxycarbamate' group, which acts systemically to control leaf blast disease in paddy.
Stroby® WG is a type of fungicide which contains active ingredients from "oximinoacetate" group that act protective and healing, as well as inhibit the proliferation of spores.